Monday, June 17, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Tennessee’s safety not guaranteed by ‘tough on crime’ bill

Matthew Charles, a criminal justice expert and Senior Policy Advisor of FAMM, has raised concerns about the potential negative impact of Tennessee Senate Bill 2044 on public safety and incarceration costs. The bill, which proposes longer sentences for offenders, is seen as a measure to be tough on crime. However, Charles highlights that such laws can actually hinder rehabilitation efforts and increase recidivism rates, ultimately making prisons and communities less safe.

Charles argues that incentivizing rehabilitation through programs such as earned time credits is essential for encouraging incarcerated individuals to improve their behavior and reduce their likelihood of reoffending. He points out that weakening these incentives, as proposed in SB 2044, can lead to negative consequences such as increased prison rule violations and lower participation in educational programs.

Furthermore, Charles emphasizes the potential financial burden of the bill on taxpayers, as longer incarceration times and extended parole supervision periods will require significant state expenditures. He warns that the bill may result in bloated public spending with no proven benefit to public safety.

In light of these concerns, Charles calls for a reevaluation of SB 2044, urging lawmakers to prioritize public safety by incentivizing rehabilitation and addressing the root causes of crime. He stresses the importance of policies that support successful reentry and integration of returning citizens into society, rather than imposing harsher penalties that may ultimately harm both individuals and the community.

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